At the end of May, we celebrated our annual Bridging Ceremony to celebrate our time with children and families transitioning to Kindergarten and Pre-K. In our tradition, Nana made each child a cape and as they crossed the bridge, we called out their hopes and the name of their new school! Our founder, Rukia Rogers, shared these words:
“We are here today to celebrate children who have been a part of our community as artists, friends, and land stewards to honor their transition to new programs and communities. It must be noted they will forever be Highlanders. To the parents, grandparents, and families, thank you for the invitation to be a partner in raising your child and loving them with you. May they be embraced by their new communities as much as we have loved them.”
Thank you to our Multi Age Educators, Tori Jackson and Meg LeFevre, for organizing this spectacular Bridging Ceremony as an important tradition within our community.